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Four Key Goal Components

This post is important for me to share because on a daily basis, I encounter genuine and amazing people with huge goals and visions who are simply getting stuck. Regardless of their particular reason for stopping, they all share the commonality of not seeing the goal through the finish line.

When we have big dreams, it is important to honor them. And we want to honor them in a way that builds trust within ourselves to see them through to completion.

I personally love to visualize, expand my horizons, and exercise the dreamy disposition that comes naturally to me. Because this is where I lead, I follow these big ideas with discipline and awareness. I allow myself to live in that creative space, but my trust is built in the growth and implementation process.

And even if this is not you specifically, the implementation process has a lesson for us all that carries nothing but growth and breakthrough. So regardless of where you currently are - here's four practical components to implement into your current goals. Presence : Presence has a beautiful ripple effect that allows us to show up for life as a whole in a more vivid way. See, all we really have are moments. And in each moment, we carry a decision. If we are present and aware of our goals, we are putting ourselves in the best position to realize them in that same way. We only open ourselves to see more opportunities that are right in front of us if we weren’t otherwise. We have our goals on the forefront of our mind, and when moments come up for us to do something about it - we are able to act.

When we are in tune with the moment, our goals, and what we need - beautiful things begin to happen. It all ripples back outwards when we know what we need. We naturally show up even more for life and our loved ones with such clarity and focus. And that’s exactly how we want to show up for our goals.

Try it : Make it your intention at the beginning of your day to go over your goals. Know that we live in a time that includes many distractions and time wasters. By doing this, you are setting yourself to focus on the things that are truly important to you when you have a spare moment.

If we are present and aware of our goals, we are putting ourselves in a great position. Growth : Setting goals feels good. Growth doesn’t always. Growth is uncomfortable at times and taking a deep look at yourself in a constructive way is easier said than done. Taking your weakness and making it a strength plays out in many ways in our society, especially when we are asked about it. In job interviews, with acquaintances, and so forth. I understand it. But we need to be able to be vulnerable with ourselves.

Alternatively, when you are met with complacency or momentum loss while working towards a goal - this is where the approach needs to change- not the project.

Trust gets built the most during this period. You are showing yourself that even if one particular thing isn’t working - that you will keep working, trying, and solving until you find a better solution. And that is the beauty of growth. The slight bit of uncomfortability that arises is only an indication that we are changing. Knowing that, we can refine our vision to one that feels clear and back where we want it to be. Flexibility : When we introduce flexibility to our goals, we are allowing room for adjustments and the natural development to unfold.

Often times, we have our eyes set on a particular end-goal, that any detour along the way feels like a setback vs. a clarification. In return, it can become a limitation because we are so focused on that very playout working out for us.

We want to carry the flexibility within our growth because that will allow us to stretch beyond where we originally wanted to go. Think of it as going back to the playbook to check plan A, B, and even C. If you have to go back to the drawing board, add some humor to the mix because (trust me) this will make it feel instantly lighter. Playfulness and flexibility go hand-in-hand. They allow you to bounce back with a newfound resilience. Plus- it's more fun. Completion : See them through. Get in the habit of finishing what you start by following your actions with your words. Build that trust within yourself that when you say you’ll do something, you follow through. Check back in with yourself and assess your progress, at least weekly.

Did you not give yourself a realistic timeline? Did you blow them off? Be honest, constructive and raw.

This information will be useful to you as you plan your next round of goals.

When we go after something with immense passion behind us, we attain this energy and drive that simply doesn’t allow us to wait on anything but ourselves to make something happen. We begin to take a deeper initiation and there is just an extra push of energy force behind the actions. Key Takeaways : -Presence: If we are present and aware of our goals, we are putting ourselves in a great position.

- Flexibility: When we introduce flexibility to our goals, we are allowing them room for adjustments and the natural development to happen.

- Growth: Setting goals feels good. Growth doesn’t always.

- Completion: Build that trust within yourself that when you say you’ll do something, that you’ll follow through.

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